Keith Gunther
Phone: 714-367-8474Having worked in this industry for over 35 years, I learned that the biggest assets we have are not the accounts we manage – but the people we work with. Over the years we become great friends, sharing moments of great happiness and heartache. My primary goal is to work hard and do a great job for clients. But, what I remember is not outcome of smart tax planning or the value of an account, but those experiences we shared throughout our lives.
We began as a tax preparation firm which remains a core of our identity. Years of experience are a great asset, but with the ever changing environment of tax laws and regulations continuing education is critical to providing you with the best possible outcome. And, I constantly remind clients of the importance of talking to me BEFORE a transaction that may have tax consequences. Then only can we plan a strategy that creates positive results for you.
Several years into working with clients on their tax returns we discovered that many financial decisions had horrible outcomes. Therefore in 1987 we became licensed and added investment services. We strongly believe that by merging these two disciplines (Tax & Financial Services) we can provide clients with better overall results. Over the 30 plus years since adding investments services, my role has broadened from just providing investment products to determining the right investment strategies for each client.
My ultimate goal is to cultivate a long term relationship with people, helping them achieve the things they believe are important.
Keith Gunther